e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Relevance of the topic. Today, rapidly developing technologies have created a plethora of communication tools, and sponsorship has been added to effectively used marketing tools such as public relations, advertising and sales promotion. Factors such as government bans on tobacco and alcohol advertising, increased advertising costs and increased leisure time contributed to the development of sponsorship.

Sponsorship has not only established itself as a well-known concept of advertising, but since sponsored events can gain more space in mass communication, it is now widely developed and spread throughout the world. Sponsorship, which is developing everywhere, is becoming more and more in demand every day. Sponsorship, most prominently seen in sports sponsorship, has become a source of funding for sports. The fact that the government budget is not enough to accommodate the growing financial resources and increased financial resources required for sports has made sponsorship popular. The financial problems experienced showed the fact that organizations cannot be implemented without help. The fact that the sport does not appeal to a specific audience such as culture, art and music, and that it contains universal and national sentiments, has encouraged sponsoring companies to sponsor the sport. Since sports sponsorship can reach more audiences than other sponsorships, it ensures that services and products reach the target audience in a short time.


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экономика спорта
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спонсорский контракт
экономическая выгода idmanda maliyyə
idman sponsorluğu
idmanın iqtisadiyyatı
sponsorluq müqaviləsi
iqtisadi fayda
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