Azerbaijan has joined the Bologna process since 2005 in order to achieve the integration of the higher education system into the European educational environment. In the Bologna Declaration document, the creation of a multifaceted higher education system, the achievement of quality and quantity, the construction of education with a credit system, the laws of adapting the diploma supplement to the relevant documents on higher education of American countries, etc. has found its reflection. In order to more practically implement the relevant provisions of the Bologna document, the President of the Republic signed a draft law "On a number of projects related to the integration of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the European educational environment" and approved the "State Project on Higher Education Reforms of our Republic in 2008-2011" has been done.
The main goal of this document is to accelerate the integration of the higher education sector of the country into the European educational environment, to establish the form, structure, management of general education, the assessment of students' knowledge and habits, the establishment of quantitative control in accordance with the Bologna laws, to meet the requirements for highly skilled personnel in accordance with the development requirements of the country's economy, while the population Establishing the opportunity to study at the level of modern standards is the formation of an affordable higher education opportunity. For the modern era, it is considered as a quality percentage of teaching as a subjective criticism of didactic productivity (availability). According to the researches of F. Rustamov and T. Dadashova, "Quality in the education system means the extent to which the objectives and functions of teaching are solved".
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