The consideration of issues in managing sports organizations is important to ensure their effective functioning. This article provides a theoretical analysis and practical recommendations for managing the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation (AGF). The aim of the work is to develop the management system of the AGF and to improve its operational efficiency.
The research represents a comprehensive approach to analyzing the internal and external environment of the AGF, as well as identifying the characteristics of managing a sports organization. This allows for the development of recommendations for forming a development strategy that can be used to enhance the efficiency of the AGF's activities. Evaluating the effectiveness of these recommendations will allow for measures to be taken to correct and improve them.
The hypothesis of the work suggests that the application of sports management and marketing tools can increase the efficiency of the AGF's activities and the organization of competitions. The theoretical basis of the research relies on the works of scholars in the field of sports management and strategic management of sports organizations. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of applying the developed recommenddations to improve the AGF's operations and achieve the set goals.
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