When we look through English grammars from a historical perspective, we notice that there are big differences between them in terms of approach and writing style. All traditional grammars were written in the same way following the identical style. All of these grammar books reflected certain definitions, taxonomies, and after each classification, examples were shown that were almost never used in real language, but only taken from fiction. People who wanted to learn the language could not take enough advantage of these books, because they were not practical enough. Therefore, the linguists of the modern era have already started to approach grammar from a cognitive aspect. The most prominent representatives of this period were Noam Chomsky and Michael Halliday. They tried to present the grammar of the language as simply as possible. N. Chomsky created many new grammars, each time he aimed to create a simpler grammatical trend, he tried to build a system covering all world languages. M. Halliday considered it important how the language is used in real communication. Therefore, modern grammar trends open up new opportunities for those who want to learn a new language.
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