If the identification of talented and skillful children in the younger age groups in football depends on the selection methods used, then their further development directly depends on the content and means of training, pedagogical experience and the skill of the coaches who conduct it. Currently, the problem of identifying talented and gifted children in football is very relevant, being the main subject of scientific and methodological research in modern science, therefore, existing methods are not very successful in selecting gifted, capable and gifted children.
Bağırov R.K., Əliyev İ.S. Futbol. Ali məktəb tələbələri üçün Dərlik. Bakı 2012, 423 s.
Кузнецов О.Б. Перекрестные эффекты адаптации студентов к физическим нагрузкам. Педагогикопсихологические и медикобиологические проблемы физической культуры и спорта, №2 (31), 2014, с.54.
Селуянов В.Н., Сарсания К.С., Заборова В.А. Футбол:проблемы физической и технической подготовки. 2012. 160 с. ISBN 978-5-4336-0007-2.
Quba V.P. Teoriye və metodika sportlink iqr. dərslik rus dilində Москва 2020.с120.