The progress of communication skills in foreign language training of students is a complex process. So, the language is multifaceted, and professional vocabulary has its own terms, its own speech which is understandable to them. Education, especially professional education, should be focused not only on the versatile development of the student and his personal needs, but also take into account the needs of society. The use of a competency-based approach in education contributes greatly to the achievement of these goals. A foreign language is one of the most popular subjects in non-linguistic fields. Comprehensive integrated development of physical culture university students in foreign language education has always been a large-scale practice-oriented activity that requires thorough theoretical and methodological training and careful selection of appropriate language tools and teaching methods. Achieving the set goals and solving the planned tasks is possible only in the course of the active, purposeful activity of the teaching staff, as well as educational work in accordance with a systematic schedule. An important criterion for foreign language training of student -athletes, is general communication. The student will develop speech in a foreign language under this condition, communicating ability affects the interaction of a specialist with other people, the adequate interpretation of the received information and its correct transmission. Students need to learn how to express and argue their points of view, listen to the interlocutor and come to a compromise solution. The development of professional and communicative skills of foreign language training of students-athletes involves certain methods, didactic material, profesionnal training of the teacher, a large visual material, as well as the use of the latest technologies.
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