e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The Summer Olympics, also known as the Olympic Games, is a major international multisport event held every four years. The first Games were held in 1896 in Athens, Greece, and the most recent in 2021 in Tokyo, Japan. Taekwondo first appeared in the Summer Olympics as a demonstration sport in the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea. It was again a demonstration sport at the 1992 Summer Olympics held in Barcelona, Spain. Taekwondo was included in the Olympic program in 2000 at the Summer Olympic Games held in Sydney (Australia) as the first martial art. Azerbaijani taekwondo players began to participate in the Athens - 2004 Olympic Games for the first time. Rio - 2016 XXXI Summer Olympic Games, our taekwondo players, who went to the 2016 XXXI Summer Olympic Games for the first time with a full team (4 athletes), achieved a high result - they won 3 medals (1 gold and 2 bronze). According to these results, Azerbaijan's taekwondo national team, which went down in history as one of the best teams by taking the 4th place, finished the Olympics in the 1st place among the CIS countries, and in the 2nd place in Europe.


Məmmədli S.B., Fətəliyev S.Ç., Quliyev E.D. Taekvondo (dərslik). Bakı, 2019, 272s.

Quliyev D.Q., Məmmədli S.B., Fataliyev S.C. Taekvondonun təşəkkülü və inkişaf istiqamətləri. Azərbaycan Respublikası Təhsil Nazirliyi. Azərbaycan Respublikası Təhsil Institutu. Elmi əsərləri. Cild 84, № 4, 2017 s. 265-269.

Энциклопедия тхэквондо. Перевод на русский язык АО «ТКД». 2013, 769с.

Эпов О.Г. Конфликтное взаимодействие тхэквондистов в тактико-технических структурах при выполнении боевого маневрирования: Дис. канд. пед. наук. М., 2013, 131 с.

Taekwondo: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique. Floating World Editions (April 20, 2015) 840 p.

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pdf (Azərbaycanca)


Olympic Games
Olympic weights
taekwondo players at the Olympic Games
medalists of the Olympic Games тхэквондо
Олимпийские игры
олимпийский вес
тхэквондисты на Олимпийских играх
призеры Олимпийских игр taekvondo
olimpiya oyunları
olimpiya çəkiləri
olimpiya oyunlarında taekvondoçular
olimpiya oyunlarının mükafatçıları
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