e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
Updating of lipid beshell of membranes at physical activity
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Free radical oxidation processes are considered an important disadvantage factor. These processes lead to increase fatigue and reduce physical activity. However as a result of regular exercises the adaptation of physical load is occurred and as a result of the protection of the organism's antioxidant system, toxic effects of oxygen active forms are prevented. In our studies, in skeletal muscles and other organs we see the evidence of the presence of antioxidant elements in the enzyme adaptation processes of total oxidant compounds which associated with the normal physical activity.Tiol antioxidant indications are incurred to specific adaptive changes. These changes are very sensitive to the features of energy metabolism and facilitate the protection of organs that prevent the destructive effects of increased oxidative stress during intense physical actions.


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muscle load membranes
physical load
lipid peroksidаtion
adaptation мембраны мышечных клеток
физическая нагрузка
перекисное окисление липидов
адаптация əzələ hüceyrələrinin membranları
fiziki yük
lipidlərin peroksidləşməsi