e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The review article is devoted to the role of free radical processes and antioxidant protection in muscle activity. The article deals with the formation of free radicals and other reactive compounds and their specific sources in the body, as well as the con-ditions for the occurrence of oxidative stress, a phenomenon that can lead to undesirable consequences for the normal functioning of cells, including muscle cells. For skeletal muscles, free radical activity is considered as an integral part of the response of the contractile organ to physical activity, which can be considered a physiological phenomenon. On the basis of literary and own data, the authors analyzed the endogenous system of antioxidant defense, in particular skeletal muscle, which is responsible for maintaining the levels of free radical reactions within not dangerous for the cells are indicated on the adaptive properties of antioxidant enzymes in response to physical activity and advisability of applying exogenous antioxidants – antioxidant natural supplements. It is noted that future studies of exercise-induced shifts in the oxidant-antioxidant relationship may bring results that will be useful both for sports practice and for the prevention of socially significant diseases.


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reactive oxygen species
free radicals
muscle activity
skeletal muscles
physical loads
oxidative stress
oxygen consumption cвободные радикалы
активные формы кислорода
мышечная деятельность
скелетные мышцы
потребление кислорода
физические нагрузки sərbəst radikallar
oksigenin aktiv formaları
əzələ fəaliyyəti
skelet əzələləri
fiziki yük
oksidativ stres
oksigen sərfi