e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
The use of modern information technology in sports games
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


This article presents products for game sports. All professional football, basketball, volleyball and hockey clubs know what the Polar team system is and work with it. Polar Team System and Polar Team System 2 are unique products that do not have world analogues and this determines the exceptional level of professional confidence in it.

The second generation team system is a unique solution for team sports. Polar Team System2 gives opportunity for load tracking and to analyze the training process on the computer in real time for each player of the team.


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"Bədən tərbiyəsi və idmanda müasir elmi tədqiqat işlərinin inkişaf perspektivləri" mövzusunda professor-meəllim heyətinin elmi praktik konfransının materialları
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information technology
computer techniques
team training systems
Polar Team System 2 инфорационные технологии
компьютерная техника
тренеровочно-командные системы
система PolarTeam 2 informasiya texnologiyaları
kompüter texnikası
komanda məşq sistemləri
Polar Team 2 sistemi
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