Strengthening of the relations between Azerbaijan and the International Olympic Academy in the field of international education, the spread of Olympic philosophy and ideology between states and people, the creation of the Olympic mood throughout the world, the embodiment of the principles of the Olympic movement, the transformation of Azerbaijan into an active country in the international sports world, the expansion of physical training and sports, increasing of the number of people involved in physical training and sports from day to day, achieving a wide and effective development of physical training and sports among female, the involvement of disabled people (invalids) in physical training and sports, the planning and implementation of special practical measures for the development of sports in all regions, especially in rural areas, the creation of conditions for poor children and adolescents families with the goal of organizing mass and free physical training and sports, ensuring the planning and implementation of specific activities to keep them in sports and motivate in achieving success enriching their own life, as well as other problems have been solved in this article.
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