The author in its article called “The Development of Movement Abilities of Higher Education Students with in Class and Outside of Class Trainings”points out the importance of physical nurture, implemented sport and tourism related outside class trainings, mass events, tourism outflows to develop movement abilities of higher education students. The pedagogical princi- pals, nurturing, developing, strenthening health roles of these events are systematically mentioned.
The scientific innovation of this article is that here the impact possibilities and ways of essential roles of pysical nurture among higher education students to sytsematically develop movement abilities are mentioned.
The practical importance of the research is that the results from the development of movement abilities of higher education students with physical nurture lessons and outside class trainings will assist physical nurturing instructors, sport trainees pedago- gical-metadogical with finding direction and increase the value of pegagogical work in the problem solving.
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