e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
Peculiarities of sports selection of young cyclists specializing in highway crossings
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Establishing an effective selection system of young athletes in velocity types requiring physical quality of endurance determines its initial stage as an important component of the pedagogical process, and in many cases improves the sporting outcome. Successful solution of this problem should be based on the preparation and development of model features for young cyclists and preparation of practical norms


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cycle sport
young cyclists
highway bikes
sports selection
model features
stamina велосипедный спорт
молодые велосипедисты
дорожные велосипедисты
выбор спорта
особенности модели
выносливость veloidman
gənc velosipedçilər
şosse veloötüşmələri
idman seçimi
model xüsusiyyətləri