e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
Modernization of pedagogical methodological work at the children's sports academy
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Fundamental reforms are implemented in the education system of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The reform also includes children's youth sports schools, which are part of the extracurricular education institution. One of the ways to increase the level of training in children's youth sports schools is its pedagogical and methodological support, so you need to upgrade the content, shape, technology, methods, tools and ways to do it, the management system, and evaluation techniques


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Kazımov N.M. Tətbiqi pedaqogika. Bakı: Çaşıoğlu, 2010.

Kazımov N.M. Məktəb pedaqogikası. Bakı: Çaşıoğlu, 2002.

Mehrabov A.O. Müasir təhsilin konseptual problemləri. Bakı: Mütərcim, 2010.

Mehrabov A.O. Azərbaycan təhsilinin müasir problemləri. Bakı: Mütərcim, 2007.

Mehrabov A.O. Müasir təhsilin metodoloji problemləri. Bakı: Mütərcim, 2012.

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pedagogical and methodological support
education reform
out-of-school education педагогическая и методическая поддержка
реформа образования
внешкольное образование pedaqoji-metodik təminat
təhsil islahatı
məktəbdənkənar təhsil