e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
The necessity of increasing interest to physical nurtureand sport activities among students and the ways to implement it.
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


İn the article, worsening of peoples health day bu and wide spreading of diseases among students too, are deacribed. The author tries to explain reasons behind increasing cases of diseases among school students and searches to find out ways to solve these problems.

İn order to increase physical development of students, useage of game and race methods in the lessons and increasing  interest towards physical nurture and satisfaction in the lessons are suggested. 


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F.Sadıqov. Pedaqogika. Bakı,2006.

Кузьмин Н.В. Методы исследования педагогической деятельности –Л.:ЛГУ, 1970.

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work ability of skeletal muscles
game method
competitive method
functional capabilities of the organism гипердинамика
работоспособность скелетных мышц
игровой метод
конкуренный метод
функциональные возможности организма hipodinamiya
skelet əzələlərinin iş qabiliyyəti
oyun metodu
yarış metodu
orqanizmin funksional imkanları