e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
Principles of physical education classes out- of- school educational institutions
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Children-youth sport schools are out of school, socially oriented institutions aiming to harmoniously develop children, teenagers and youth, promote health and physical conditions via physical education and sport, play a guiding role in physical education work with the general schools in the area of its location, and cover the preliminary and medium phases of developing high level of sportsmen in the Republic (1).  

Involvement in sport of children and youth and systemic works with them is of primary importance. Correspondence of children's physical education to the requirements of pedagogical-psychological requirements depends on the work of trainers-teachers. They shall be knowledgeable about the regulatory papers defining physical education, sport disciplines and prospects, pedagogy, psychology, child physiology, and basics of hygiene and observe it in their works.


Exemplary Regulation of children-youthsport schools and specialized children-youth sport schools of Olympic reserves. Baku, 2013

Physical development of schoolchildren of present generation. Under edition of G.P.Salnikova. Moscow: Pedagogics,1977

Karashkin V.M. Methodology of physical education. Moscow: Prosvesheniye, 1968

Physical education in boarding schools. Under edition of A.F.Lipman. Leningrad, 1960

Physical culture in school. Methodology of lessons in IX-X grades. Under edition of V.I. Kuznetsova. Moscow, Prosvesheniye,1973



group shade
principle use of visual aids
principle of conscious activity
principles of systematic and consistency
principle of proper use of power
principle of possibility and gradual increase of burden обучение в групповой форме
принцип сознательной деятельности
принцип возможности
принцип систематичности и последовательности
принцип правильного использования силы
принцип наглядности и принцип постепенного увеличения qrup şəklində təlim
şüurlu fəaliyyət prinsipi
mümkünlük prinsipi
sistemlilik və ardıcıllıq prinsipi
gücdən düzgün istifadə prinsipi
əyanilik prinsipi
yükün tədricən artırılması prinsipi