e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The article reflects the analysis of modern research works on the means of medical and biological restorative means that are relevant for sports practice, affecting the recovery and increase in physical performance after intense physical exertion on the athlete's body. Since the use of non-pharmacological means in the recovery of athletes after grueling exercises and competitions has recently been gaining momentum, it is possible to improve the performance of athletes by using sports massage as a medical and biological agent, especially restorative massage. To this end, although the pedagogical substantiation of the application of existing methods has been studied to some extent, research has been carried out in the biomedical direction. In ad-dition, since the technique associated with the impact of restorative massage on the athlete's body is constantly being improved, the positive changes that it causes in the body, its functional state, physical performance, the impact on recovery and the level of physical performance are of great importance in the practice of sports training. From the analysis of the available literature, it is also known that the adaptive use of contrast and classical massage, along with sports massage, has a positive effect on the health of athletes, strengthening the body, developing physical qualities and working capacity, and expanding the adaptive capabilities of the body.


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physical activity
sports training
working capacity
sports massage
means of recovery восстановление
физические нагрузки
спортивная подготовка
спортивный массаж
средства восстановления bərpa
fiziki yüklər
idman məşqi
iş qabiliyyəti
idman masajı
bərpa vasitələri
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