e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


In recent times, numerous research works are being done in the field of terminology, and the terms existing in the languages of different countries occupy a special place in these studies. This article will be about culinary terms used in British cuisine. The article learned more about cooking by linking English culinary terms to other languages. Each nation has its own culture, world view, way of thinking, language, and different form of communication, as well as its own cuisine, and the terms used in these cuisines and the prepared dishes indicate the culture, lifestyle, and taste of those nations. The development of each scientific field depends on the unification and standardization of its terminology system. During the improvement of the terminology, the system of concepts of the current field is reviewed, their explanation is given, and the mentioned concepts are systematically grouped, based on their certain characteristics. This process includes not only the terms used in the scientific field, but also many concepts that are often found in the everyday life of different peoples. A large part of these concepts are culinary terms that may or may not be used in everyday life. For example, so-metimes a phrase or concept related to cuisine is used by others, which many do not know the meaning of. In this case, explaining the term and classifying it becomes one of the most important issues. Thus, there are several reasons for this misunderstanding during classification. Some of these reasons are that the spoken word is either a loanword, a dialect, a neologism, or an obsolete word.


Qasımov İ. Azərbaycan terminologiyasının əsasları. II nəşr, Bakı 2017, 293 s.

Axundova G. Azərbaycan və İngilis dillərinin məişət leksikası. Bakı-2017.

www.thetakeout.com – Do we eat soup or do we drink soup?

www.merriam-webster.com.Dinner vs Supper: is there a difference?

Cecelia Ahern Thanks for the memories. 2008. 371 s.

Terminologiya məsələləri. N2, Alieva Gultakin. Bakı-2016, 14s.

PDF (Azərbaycanca)
PDF (Azərbaycanca)


the kitchen
kitchen culture
English culinary terms
lexical and semantic features of culinary terms
terminological dictionary кулинария
культура кухни
термины кулинарии
лексико-семантические особенности терминов кулинарии
продукты питания
терминологический словарь kulinariya
mətbəxt mədəniyyəti
ingilis kulinariya terminləri
kulinariya terminlərinin leksik və semantik xüsusiyyətləri
terminoloji lügət
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