e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
The use of video materials at English language lessons
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The importance of video materials in this article is being looked through its possibility of practical implementation in the English language teaching. Nowadays, the use of video materials at lessons of English leads to the growth of students’ communicative competence. Integration of video materials in the process of teaching-learning not only develops students’ language skills, but also familiarize students with social and cultural values of the country of native speakers. The importance of English language to people engaged in sport and benefits of using video materials in the process of learning is highlighted in the present article.


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Cooper, Richard; Lavery, Mike; Rinvolucri, Mario. Video. - Resourse Books For Teachers - Oxford University Press, 2016.

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video materials
communicative competence
formation of skills
modern ways of introducing new vocabulary
developing training video materiallar
bacarıqların formalaşdırılması
yeni leksikonların tətbiqinin müasir üsulları