The article discusses the features, goals and importance of military-patriotic education of adolescents and young people in the United States, as well as analyzes the organization and implementation of this activity in secondary schools. Military-patriotic education is an activity aimed at understanding the life of adolescents and young people and the relations between them, the objective and social activities of the young generation as a key component of the overall educational process. In the process of militarypatriotic education, the life of the army, the public relations of servicemen, military duties and activities are widely reflected.
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Новашина М.С. Концепция воспитания чувства патриотизма у студентов США.
Патриотизм по-американски. Кандидат военных наук, профессор Академии военных наук, подполковник Н. Балуков, полковник в отставке Юрий Иваничкин.
Как устроена военно-патриотическая подготовка школьников в США. JROTC