The main purpose of the study was to study the level of physical fitness and physical performance in adolescents and young athletes engaged in judo, using samples of functional load.
Analysis of the results allowed to make a conclusion about the reliable development of speed and strength qualities in athletes, judokas and representatives of other types of wrestling. The results obtained revealed that the control indicators can be used to build exercises, select load and control for the level of training.
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Караулова Л.К. Физиология физического воспитания и спорта. Л.К. Караулова, Н.А. Краснонерова, М.М. Расулова. М.: Издательство «Академия», 2014, 304 с.
Йегер Й.М., Крюгер Карстен (ред.) Мышцы в спорте. Анатомия. Физиология. Тренировка. Реабилитация. М.:Практическая медицина, 2016, 428 с., 415 ил. ISBN 978-5-98811-347-8.
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