e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The article is devoted to the analysis of the model of development of mass sports in Azerbaijan. The main problems of the ratio of mass and professional sports as two interrelated components of sports have been identified. The principles of interaction between mass sports, professional sports and the most successful sports and the factors on which the development of sports in general depend are considered. The role of mass and professional sports in this development is defined, the importance of mass sports as the first stage of "introduction" to the field of human sports activity is noted. It is generalized on the basis of the model of international experience in sports development. An example of successful systematic work on the development of mass sports in modern Azerbaijan is presented. Factors that help to improve the health of the population and at the same time achieve high sports results are emphasized. Based on these factors, an effective model for the development of sports in our country is proposed, where mass sports are presented as a reserve that allows to select candidates for professsional clubs and national teams of the country. It is noted that the proposed system contributes to the realization of sports potential as a mechanism that supports a clear healthy lifestyle.


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PDF (Azərbaycanca)


development of mass sports
formation of sports resource
principles of development of youth sports
youth and student sports развитие массового спорта
формирование спортивного ресурса
принципы развития юношеского спорта
юношеский и студенческий спорт kütləvi idmanın inkişafı
idman ehtiyatının formalaşdırılması
gənclər idmanının
yeniyetmə və tələbə idmanının inkişaf prinsipləri

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