The article is devoted to the problem of preparing chess players at a high level for the main games. One of these problems is making "gross mistakes" that do not depend on their qualifications and level of training. The causes of mistakes made during the game were investigated, attention was drawn to the legacy of classical chess, the works of the most advanced grandmasters of our time, including chess players from Azerbaijan, were analyzed. As a result, a number of proposals were made to eliminate "glaring mistakes" and "chess blindness". Currently, coaches working with young chess players often do not pay enough attention to the problem of "glaring mistakes" and "chess blindness". this is an obstacle for them to achieve better results in the future.
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Гулько Ф.Б. Стратегия и психология современных шахмат. 2019
Тукмаков В. Играй (не) как компьютер. 2019.