e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
Effect of oxidative stress and oxygen active forms on the body
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The adaptive reactions of the organism, mechanisms and capabilities of their optimization, and the search for resistance to the effects of the environment on various extreme factors should remain the major problems of modern physiology and biochemistry. One of the most common types of stress in modern times is the impact of physical loads. Oxidative stress caused by long-term and high-intensity physical loads is regarded as a universal mechanism that violates the integrity of biological membranes.


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active forms of oxygen
free radicals
proxidation of lipids
antioxidant vitamins
prooxidants стресс
активные формы кислорода
свободные радикалы
проксидация липидов
антиоксидантные витамины
прооксиданты stress
oksigenin aktiv formaları
sərbəst radikallar
lipidlərin peroksidləşməsi
antioksidant vitaminlər

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