e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Currently, the implementation of training programs in the context of distance learning has become a serious problem in the field of education. The large number of hands-on activities available in the curriculum creates challenges for students, especially those studying physical education and sports. Analysis and generalization of literary sources allows us to conclude that the use of modern technologies in education creates certain opportunities for the formation of the necessary skills in training specialists. An important algorithm was developed for adapting lessons to the conditions of the electronic environment. To enhance cognitive activity, it is proposed to develop video projects taking into account the preparatory stages, monitoring and evaluation systems.


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information and communication technologies
modern educational technologies
video project информационно-коммуникационные технологии
современные образовательные технологии
видеопроект informasiya və kommunikasiya texnologiyaları
müasir təlim texnologiyaları
video layihə