e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


When you start learning a new language, you need a reason to stay motivated during this journey. It is not always easy to get yourself interested in a new language, and there are many obstacles you will face: learning English at first can seem boring and time consuming. However, you should pay attention to the benefits of English and the results of the whole learning experience. English is the language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy and tourism. Knowing English increases your chances of finding a good job in a multinational company in your country or finding a job abroad. It is also the language of international communication, media and the Internet, so learning English is important for socialization, entertainment and work! Currently, English is being studied for various reasons, as we have already mentioned. However, despite the different reasons and goals, the first step was to teach the language in general. This article examines the teaching of English for special purposes - the teaching of Business English. First of all, its difference from the general English language, and then what should be considered in the teaching of this field, were touched upon and studied.


Crystal D. 2015. English as a global language (2nd edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Graddol D. The Future of English. London: The British Council. English Next. London: The British Council. 2017.

Guide to Good Business Communications. How to Write and Speak English Well - in Every Business, 2016.

Antonov O.İ. Biznesmenlər üçün ingilis dili. 2019.

Brindha S. Why business English. 2017 Journal of English Studies

Chandra V., Sekhar Rao English for business and management. 2017.

Yang Xi Research on the implications of business English teaching on bilingual courses in business communication. China 2018.

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business English
generalized teaching
language skills деловой английский
обобщенное обучение
языковые навыки işgüzar İngilis dili
ümumiləşdirilmiş tədris
dil bacarıqları