Boxing as a sport has come a long way and today has reached a high level of technical and tactical form. As a result of this development, tactically many different fighting styles have emerged, i.e. boxers use different tactical styles to defeat different opponents. In adolescents and young people who start boxing, as they train, anthropometric data, physical, technical, tactical, psychological, volitional, intellectual qualities, and theoretical knowledge begin to develop and improve. As they participate in various sports events against different opponents, they raise their level of professionalism. Over time, athletes develop the above qualities and improve their sports skills, boxers develop a unique fighting technique, a fighting style. Later, we will talk about these styles, and also analyze how these styles are more effective. Different schools of boxing called these styles differently, and some did not classify them at all. Western boxing schools (USA, UK) named these styles using English terms. The Soviet school, however, classified these styles differently. We have summarized these terms and made it clear and, for the understanding of readers, conditionally designated in the diagrams.
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