e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The article examines the impact of educational and pedagogical technologies on the development of sports and the consolidation of creative components. This indicates the important role of sport in modern society. The author emphasizes the growing role of creativity in achieving high sports results. Formulated the essence of the concepts of "creativity" and "creative teacher", revea-ling the most important of them. The peda-gogical component is defined as the most suitable for the formation of creative abilities of future professionals in the field of physical education and sports. The article examines the changes in the educational policy of Azerbaijan, their influence on the nature of the professional activities of teachers who specialize in the training of professional athletes. The use of computer technology in the education system, modeling situational tasks in practice, communication with students in small groups, participation of students in the educational process show that this system of training allows students to obtain sufficient knowledge of the technology of learning. The author suggests specific directions for the application of innovative educational technologies in the highest educational institutions of the country.


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pedagogical technologies
computer technology
distance learning образование
педагогические технологии
компьютерные технологии
дистанционное обучение təhsil
pedaqoji texnologiyalar
kompüter texnologiyaları
məsafədən təhsil