e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
Psychological limitations of the athlete's personality in the manifestation of fear and ways to overcome it
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


In the process of personality formation, material, spiritual resources and norms of behavior objectively existing in society are subject to subjective relationships.
This process covers the entire set of interactions between the individual and society, which form a particular quality in a person. Today coaches easily associate the reason for
the defeat of athletes with physical and technical fitness. Theoretical and psychological training, being one of the main components of sports, are essentially very close and interconnected with each other. Most of the shortcomings are also associated with theoretical and psychological training. By expanding these areas for our athletes, we will improve their technical, tactical and physical fitness in parallel with the psychological preparation. If an athlete studies theoretically and learns practical ways to get rid of fear, he will soon be able to get rid of it.


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Смоленцева В.Н. Сибирский Государственный Университет Физической Культуры и Спорта, Омск. Статья «Концептуальные основы развития и совершенствования умений психорегуляции у спортсменов в процессе многолетней подготовки»

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psychological preparation
victory. личность
психологическая подготовка
победа. şəxsiyyət
psixoloji hazırlıq