One of the most valuable and important resources of any state is the language of that state. Although language has a very complex structure,words are the basis of language. Changes in the socio-political life of language affect development of its lexical layer and the development of terminology. Terms can be considered an indispensable and integral part of any language. The number of terms in the English and Azerbaijani languages is growing over time and such rapid development of terminology, creation of new terms every day or the inclusion of some terms in the group of common words is to be considered a topical issue in English.The emergence of new concepts and terms in the vocabulary of society react to this or that event.
What happens in the enviroment not only affects the human mind,but also the human language.As peoplel’s worldviews expand and their attitudes toward different events change, people need new lexical units to express their ideas more accurately and fully. The analysis of lexical-semantic features of terms shows that these connections can occur within system and between systems. Thus, the analysis of the relationships within the system shows that when such relationships exist the same term is observed to be ambiguous within the same terminological system. In semantic relations between systems, terms act as terminological signs to name concepts in the field of philological terminology. The meaning of a polysemous term that operates between systems is traced as part of a terminological phrase,where the term acts as the semantic nucleas of invariance. Our research shows that inter – system relationships create both the ambiguity of the term and do not make sense from the context in which each term is used,i.e from the text,other groups of scholars do not rule out the existence of homonyms between terms as an unpleasant condtion. Thus,the lexical-semantic method is widely used in the term creation of the Azerbaijani and English languages. Thus,the following method can be mentioned as lexical-semantic methods: kalka or kalka – making,method, abbreavations, transliteration of common words from their enviroment, terminology, complex terms formed by combining two terms,new terms created by conversion method, etc.
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