e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
The role and place of the service sector in economic and social development
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


In the process of social division of labor, the active allocation of specialized sectors of the economy for the production of services increases demand - under the influence of economic law, strengthening the integration of tangible and intangible elements of production, changes in the nature of economic growth, ie due to the fact that the collection, the human factor comes to the fore.
It is also known that the need for the development of services goes beyond a purely economic framework: the process of humanization of economic growth is accompanied by the expansion of a range of services aimed at improving the individual, his intellectual and physical capabilities, cultural, spiritual and social needs. As a result of all this, the content of the sphere of service in society, its type and subject composition, the meaning of the concepts of its role in the economy have changed.


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service sphere
types of economic activity
production services
social infrastructure
service criteria. сфера услуг
ви- ды экономической деятельности
производственные услуги
социальная инфраструктура
критерии обслуживания xidmət sferası
iqtisadi fəaliyyət növləri
istehsal xidmətləri
sosial infrastruktur
xidmət meyarları.