e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
Sports in the organization of the unity of science and education the role of the academy
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The article focuses on the role of sports academy (future academy) in the organization of science and education, the material and technical base of science and education in the independent republic, the multimedia center of the academy, the creation of a new master's degree in "Sports Journalism", the ethical and legal management of scientific research. On the improvement of the training system of professional athletes, the formation of mass and healthy lifestyles in physical education and sports, the organization of physical education and sports activities, the organization of teaching and research laboratories, "Values, traditions and innovations in modern sports", the development of a new curriculum and other problems have been solved.


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material and technical base
Multimedia Center
Research laboratory
science бакалавриат
докторантура, материально-техническая база
«Мультимедийный центр»
«Исследовательская лаборатория»
образование, наука bakalavr
maddi-texniki baza
“Multimedia Mərkəzi
Elmi-tədqiqat laboratoriya
təhsil elm