With the preparations for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games already underway, the media strategy of the Azerbaijan Paralympic Committee is facing a critical test. The objective of the Paralympic Committee of Azerbaijan is not only to promote and channel the efforts of the country’s Paralympic athletes, but to promote a more inclusive civil society. The run-up to the Paralympic Games and during the competition itself represents a major opportunity for the Committee to expand its reach and audience, attracting new supporters, sponsors and potential athletes and helping to inspire those facing physical challenges in Azerbaijan. But are the media strategy and current channels of the Paralympic Committee ready to take on this challenge? This research aims to assess the current strength of the Paralympic Committee’s media strategy, through comparison with Paralympic Committee activities in other countries, and through analysis of their current platforms using industry standard benchmarking. It goes on to assess the potential for further development of the Paralympic Committee’s media framework, both through improvement of existing channels and through innovation. My research strongly suggests that there is potential for improvement and an opportunity to expand the audience for Paralympic-related news and information. My research will be made available to the Paralympic Committee, in order to support and inform their media strategy. Further research and planning will be conducted into the potential to launch innovative new channels, as part of my Master’s programme studies and as part of a commitment to support the ideals and objectives of the Paralympic Committee of Azerbaijan.
Paralympic Committee Of Azerbaijan. Link: Paralympic.az (1)
Statistical Committee of Russia. Link: statdata.ru/russia (2)
Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan. Link: stat.gov.az/ (3)
Paralympic Committee Of Azerbaijan. Link: instagram.com/azenpc/ (4)
Paralympic Committee of Turkey. Link: tmpk.org.tr/tr/TMPK (5)
Russian Paralympic Committee. Link: paralymp.ru/en/ (6)
Ukrainian Paralympic Committee. Link: new.paralympic.org.ua/ua (7)
facebook.com/milli.paralimpiya.komitesi/ (8)
facebook.com/TurkParalimpik/ (9)
facebook.com/NationalSportsCommitteeOfTheDisabledOfUkraine/ (10)
facebook.com/RussianParalymp/ (11)
instagram.com/ukraineparadeaflympic/ (12)
twitter.com/TurkParalimpik (13)
twitter.com/RussianParalymp (14)
twitter.com/ukrparalympic (15)
twitter.com/aznpc (16)