The main principles of state policy in the field of the library in Azerbaijan Republic, the general principles of the library and the library system, the formation of library funds and safety requirements, the principles of international cooperation in the sphere of library activity, the role of the library in increasing the interest in reading among young athletes were highlighted in this article. Regulation of the activity of the library in Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Training and Sports, organization of their activities in accordance with modern requirements, improving the quality of reconstruction of the Academy and education, new educational laboratories, an electronic library, improving curricula, the library of the Academy that meets the requirements of all modern libraries, conducting various events and exhibitions, improving the quality of the educational process, as well as information about the full functional electronic library in the framework of expansion of the use of digital resources and other problems have been solved in this article
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İngilis və başqa dillərdə
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Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qanunvericilik Toplusu
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