e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
Peculiarities of the development of martial arts in the hierarchy of needs and the basic theories of the emergence of physical education
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


This article reflects the development of various types of martial arts at different historical stages of human civilization. The main theories of the origin of physical education and the features of the development of martial arts through the prism of the pyramid of needs are outlined. It is noted that single combats (martial arts) all over the world are developing according to certain regularities. In different countries, their styles and directions are formed, but many types and systems of martial arts are oversaturated with canons and national traditions, which negatively influence the effectiveness of the use of the technical and tactical arsenal in a real fight. Thus, the attachment of representatives of traditional schools to the canons, negatively affects the implementation of technical and tactical potential in competitions held in full contact.


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martial arts
historical stages
theories of the emergence of physical education развитие
исторические этапы
теории возникновения физического воспитания inkişaf
tarixi mərhələlər
fiziki tərbiyənin yaranma nəzəriyyəsi